  • Flutkatastrophe in Valencia
  • Flutkatastrophe in Valencia

Solidarity with València

Sea rescuers provide emergency aid on land

Over 200 dead, roads blocked by cars piled on top of each other, mud-covered areas. In such a catastrophic situation, we at Sea-Eye don’t look away – we are on the ground! The region around Valencia in particular has welcomed us with solidarity and warmth in recent years when we have been berthed in the harbour of Burriana. It is a place which we are closely tied to.

We are currently in operations in the Mediterranean with the SEA-EYE 5 to save people from drowning – the SEA-EYE 4 has finished its last mission for this year as planned and was in the harbour of Vinaròz when the disaster occurred.

It has thus found a new, acute deployment in this exceptional situation: She is serving as a centre for the aid structures around our partner organisation L’Aurora, which are organising important aid on the ground at this time.

In this emergency aid for the people in the Valencia region, we can say: with more donations, we can help more! We are focusing primarily on the things that people need most urgently at the moment. That’s why we distribute meals, hygiene and first aid packages as well as equipment such as shovels for the clean-up work.

„The extent of the destruction after the flood can hardly be put into words. We are actually sea rescuers, but when you talk to the people affected, you know that humanity and solidarity are all that matters now. For us, it goes without saying that the SEA-EYE 4 is being used for emergency aid on the ground. Together with L’Aurora and many volunteers, we are there where otherwise little help would arrive.”
– Anna di Bari, Board member at Sea-Eye e. V.

Anna di Bari

Questions about Sea-Eye’s emergency aid in Valencia

We are working locally with our long-standing partner L’Aurora, who knows the situation and the affected area very well. Our project coordinator is in direct contact with local networks and helpers to ensure that our aid arrives quickly and in a targeted manner where it is most urgently needed.

Our crew cooks meals, makes sandwiches and distributes them in the crisis region. We also distribute water, hygiene products and clothing. We supply equipment and safety gear for the clean-up operations.

Our rescue ship serves in particular as a logistics center where goods and donations are received and prepared for distribution. Meals are prepared in our canteen kitchen and the cabins now serve as sleeping quarters for helpers.

The equipment on our rescue ship SEA-EYE 4 is an important factor in helping on the ground in this situation. Thanks to our work in the Mediterranean, we are equipped with our own infrastructure on the ship, which we can now use for the crisis region.

There is a large kitchen on board where meals can be prepared for several hundred people. There is also a hospital and storage space in containers for equipment and relief supplies. The ship also offers sleeping accommodation for volunteers.

The SEA-EYE 4 can take on important functions here, especially in a situation in which part of the infrastructure on land fails and cannot be used.

The situation following the flood catastrophe in Spain is devastating. Hundreds of thousands of people are affected. Even more than a week after the disaster, dead bodies are still being recovered.

While we continue to use our regular donations to ensure that we remain in operation in the Mediterranean – as we are currently doing with the SEA-EYE 5 – we are also asking for support for this project.

Because the scale of the destruction is so huge, there is a shortage of almost everything. We transform every donation directly into acute emergency aid for the people in the region around Valencia. The more donations, the more help we can send!

Donation receipt

Your donation is tax-deductible.

For donations up to € 300 you do not need a donation receipt. To make your donation tax-deductible, your bank statement in conjunction with our confirmation of the donation is sufficient for the tax office.

For contributions over € 300 you will automatically receive a donation receipt in the following month for individual donations.

We send the donation receipts to permanent donors after the end of the year.