  • The SEA-EYE 4

    The design of the SEA-EYE 4 is very well suited for sea rescue operations and provides plenty of space for the first aid of rescued people.

    SEA-EYE 4
  • Our operational boats

    During an operation, our fast rubber boats can safely approach unseaworthy vessels and take care of the people’s immediate needs.

    Operational Boats
  • Many are weakened by the escape’s hardships

    In our sick bay we apply first aid to the often very weakened people. We take care of their injuries, which they obtained during their escape and through torture in Libya.

    Sick bay
  • The SEA-EYE 4

    SEA-EYE 4
  • Our operational boats

    Operational Boats
  • Many are weakened by the escape’s hardships

    Sick bay
Nothilfe Valencia

Around 400 volunteers from Sea-Eye and L’Aurora have been active in the flood-affected area of Valencia since October 2024. Our record from 60 days of continuous work last year: from food and bicycles to special wishes…

One and a half year has passed since the state crime near Pylos was committed, which led to the death of more than 600 people migrating to Europe. Those responsible for this crime have not yet been brought before the judicial authorities.


The Court of Vibo Valentia confirms obligation to rescue at sea – and reaffirms that following the instructions of the so-called Libyan Coastguard is not compatible with international law.

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About Sea-Eye e. V.

Association for the rescue of fleeing people in the central Mediterranean

Sea-Eye rescues fleeing people from unseaworthy boats in the Mediterranean. We look for helpless people in distress at sea, and fight against the daily loss of life there. Our activity is an answer to the failed migration policies of the European Union, which is denying its responsibility for the thousands of deaths in its immediate proximity.

With our rescue missions, we fill a gap in the search and rescue activity on the Mediterranean Sea to save as many people as possible from drowning. Because European states have withdrawn from their responsibility, Sea-Eye pays attention and protects the right to life.

We are a non-profit association, which is religiously and politically independent. Our work is exclusively financed through donations.

Sea Eye Logo 300x300

What we do

Save lives

  • Observe and document human rights abuses
  • Distribute life vests for people in distress at sea and evacuate them
  • Provide care for injured people at our sick bay
  • Bring saved people to safety
  • Adhere to the international rules of sea rescues
  • Inform about the situation in the Mediterranean

Support our mission in the Mediterranean

Help saving lives with a donation

We would like to thank all our supporters

Special thanks to:

Bishop Kirsten Fehrs

“It is a fundamental commandment of Christian seafaring to save people from distress. In Hamburg and Lubeck, those traditional harbour cities, this is fortunately still a common good. Let us make this the standard again Europe-wide!”

– Bishop Kirsten Fehrs –


“Neighborly love means for us that, no matter where people come from, what ancestry they have, which skin colour they have, which religion they belong to, we welcome them here with open arms and do not leave them to die miserably in the Mediterranean.”

– Revolverheld –

Our partners

Together against the loss of life at sea

Bistum Limburg
Bistum Hildesheim
Bistum Limburg
Bistum Regensburg
Caritasverband für die Diözese Hildesheim e. V._Logo
Deutsche Postcode Lotterie
Erzbistum Paderborn
Gemeinde Schöneiche bei Berlin
German Doctors
Kreis Nordfriesland
Bad Bentheim
Stadt Konstanz