Wooden Boat

According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), more than 30,000 people have gone missing in the Mediterranean since 2014. Sea-Eye calls on the EU to take responsibility.

The number of people missing in the Mediterranean has now passed the 30,000 mark, according to the IOM’s Missing Migrants Project. Statistics show that almost 80 % of the missing are from the central Mediterranean. The most common cause of death is drowning. Many of the victims are children. In 2024 alone, more than 1,000 people went missing on the deadliest escape route.

“Instead of taking action against aid organisations, the European Union and its member states must finally face up to their responsibilities in the Mediterranean. At the moment, instead of tackling the causes of flight and ensuring safe escape routes, they are making our humanitarian work even more difficult: through detentions, the allocation of distant ports or stricter conditions for civilian rescue vessels. Court rulings such as the one in Reggio Calabria clearly show that the measures taken against our operations are an abuse of state power. The EU is now responsible for over 30,000 deaths in the Mediterranean. We finally need to move away from this brutal European border regime towards a migration policy based on human rights,” demands Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye.

Between June 2023 and June 2024 alone, the SEA-EYE 4 was detained in Italy for a total of 120 days. The Regensburg-based organisation has already filed several lawsuits against the unlawful detention. On June 5th, the court in Reggio Calabria upheld a complaint by Sea-Eye and declared the 60-day administrative detention of the SEA-EYE 4 in March 2024 to be unlawful.

In response to the ongoing crisis in the Mediterranean Sea, Sea-Eye e.V. is sending a former all-weather lifeboat to the Mediterranean this year. Oscar-nominated actress Sandra Hüller christened the rescue ship, now named the SEA-EYE 5, on Monday.

The ship will set sail on its first life-saving mission in the Mediterranean later this year

On July 22th, Oscar-nominated actress Sandra Hüller together with Omorogbe Peter Obamwonyi, Maritime Crew Manager at Sea-Eye, named the all-weather lifeboat SEA-EYE 5 at a ceremony in the harbour of the Italian city of Ancona. The vessel operated under the name NIS RANDERS for the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) until 2020. As the civilian rescue ship SEA-EYE 5, it will come to the aid of people in distress at sea on the world’s deadliest escape route. Since 2014, almost 30,000 refugees have died in the Mediterranean.

“I wish this ship did not have to exist. I wish the governments of Europe and the world would finally realise that migration does not stop when they allow death on the migration routes. It will stop when they take responsibility for the suffering of people who leave their homes, caused by the arrogance and ignorance of the rest of the world and politics. I wish this ship the most peaceful of seas and thank the crew for their unfortunately necessary work. Bless this ship and the people on it,” explained Sandra Hüller.

Sandra Hüller

Omorogbe Peter Obamwonyi added: “Despite all the successes of recent years and the many lives saved, the hurdles in civil sea rescue are growing with illegal detentions repeatedly keeping us in port. Now, with the additional rescue vessel SEA-EYE 5, we are confident that we have more power to do what we do best and are proud of doing – saving lives.”

Sandra Hüller und Omorogbe Peter Obamwonyi

The purchase price of around 465,000 euros was financed by a fundraising campaign organised by United4Rescue, a broad alliance in support of civilian sea rescue with over 900 partners initiated by the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). Sandra Bils, board member of United4Rescue, said in her speech:

“We are overwhelmed by how many people have donated to the all-weather lifeboat in such a short space of time. The willingness to donate shows: We will not turn a blind eye when European countries allow people in need of protection to drown in the Mediterranean. Together we are taking a stand against the deadly isolationist policies and sending the SEA-EYE 5 as the fourth Alliance ship to the Mediterranean!”

Sandra Bils

A sickbay will be set up on board to treat medical emergencies. Its equipment and operation will be made possible by Sea-Eye’s long-standing partner organisation German Doctors. Managing Director Dr Christine Winkelmann emphasised at the celebrations:

“For us, it is a human rights obligation to help people in need and provide them with medical care – whether on land or at sea. Our doctors continue to report immense suffering: traumatised people, hypothermic and dehydrated with various injuries. They have often been through the worst before they come on board the rescue ship. The conditions are unbearable. Through the voluntary work of experienced on-board doctors and the entire medical team, we are trying to make the right to medical care a reality, even in these adverse circumstances.”

Dr. Christine Winkelmann

SEA-EYE 5 was built in 1990 and belongs to the 23.3 meter class, a series of seven DGzRS lifeboats. Until 2018, it was stationed off Maasholm on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein and was operated by the DGzRS without a fixed base for a further two years. The all-weather lifeboat has been overhauled and modernised and will soon set off on its first mission in the Central Mediterranean.

In order to cover the annual budget of the SEA-EYE 5, Sea-Eye is currently looking for 3,000 monthly donors to ensure the operation of the all-weather lifeboat. The conversion of the ship, the first missions, and part of the long-term financing are secured by two long-term loans from GLS Bank and a crowd campaign from its cooperation partner, GLS Crowd.


After one of the rescue operations, the so-called Libyan coastguard repeatedly tried to intimidate the crew of the civilian rescue vessel

During three operations on July 16th and 17th, 2024, the SEA-EYE 4 rescued a total of 31 people from distress at sea: At around five in the morning on Tuesday, the rescue ship’s crew spotted and evacuated three people in a small wooden fishing boat, which had neither life-saving equipment nor modern navigation equipment. While waiting for instructions from the Italian authorities, the crew spotted another wooden boat in distress around midday and rescued 20 people, including a mother and her baby. The following day, early in the afternoon, the SEA-EYE 4 responded to a distress call from an aircraft that had spotted a fibreglass boat with eight people in distress and also brought them to safety.

“Some of those rescued are in poor health, and a few are in critical condition. These people need medical attention as soon as possible. It is an imposition on them that we have again been assigned such a distant port,” says Ayesha Sattar, on-board doctor on the SEA-EYE 4 for German Doctors e.V.

Shortly after the second rescue on July 16th, the so-called Libyan coastguard arrived and tried to intimidate the crew of the SEA-EYE 4:

“After we had rescued the people, the so-called Libyan coastguard set fire to the empty boat and circled us twice with sirens blaring. They asked us to leave the area – even though they are not legally authorised to do so in international waters – and followed us for a long time. This is a clear intention to intimidate us and to cause more distress to people already in a vulnerable situation. These actions have nothing to do with assisting people in distress at sea”, says Julie Schweickert, head of mission on board the SEA-EYE 4, describing the situation.

The so-called Libyan Coast Guard intercepts refugees in the Mediterranean and returns them to civil war-torn Libya. It is funded in part by the European Union. UN experts have already accused the EU of aiding and abetting the crimes of the so-called Libyan coastguard.

The so-called Libyan coastguard repeatedly acts in an extremely aggressive and violent manner, which has already led to the death of people. In Libya, refugees are threatened with imprisonment in so-called detention camps, where they are subjected to serious human rights violations.

The Italian authorities have ordered the SEA-EYE 4 to disembark the survivors at the port of Ortona, in the province of Chieti. In doing so, the authorities are accepting that the SEA-EYE 4 will have to travel a long way and will be absent from the area of operation for days at a time when its rescue capabilities are urgently needed. The rescue vessel is expected to arrive in port on Saturday evening.

Sea-Eye 4_Disembarkation

The civilian rescue ship of the Regensburg-based organisation Sea-Eye e.V. has returned directly to the area of operation.

Around noon on Thursday (July 11th, 2024), 174 survivors on board the SEA-EYE 4 – including a mother and her baby – reached the port of Genoa. The people had been rescued in the Mediterranean on Sunday and Monday. During those two days, the vessel saved 231 people in distress in a total of 5 operations. The people rescued on the last operation were handed over to the Italian coastguard on Monday. For the remaining 174 survivors, the Italian authorities have designated Genoa – some 600 nautical miles from the operation area – as a port of safety.

“The three days it took us to reach Genoa were three more strenuous days on the Mediterranean for the weakened survivors. We are glad that we were finally able to bring them to safety. The fact that we carried out so many rescues in such a short time has shown one thing above all: We are desperately needed on site. That’s why it was important for us to lose as little time as we could and to return to the area of operation as quickly as possible,” says Ayesha Sattar, on-board doctor on the SEA-EYE 4 for German Doctors e.V.

At 9:30 p.m., just a few hours after SEA-EYE 4 arrived in Genoa, the vessel left the port to return to the area of operation. It is expected to arrive there early next week.


The survivors included a mother with her baby and a woman nine months pregnant.

At noon on Sunday (July 7th 2024), the crew of the civilian rescue ship SEA-EYE 4 responded to a distress call provided by Alarmphone and evacuated 46 people from a rubber boat in distress. A few hours later, the vessel received another Alarmphone message. This time, the RESQSHIP sailing vessel NADIR was first on the scene, stabilized the unseaworthy rubber boat, which was losing air and partially filled with water, distributed life jackets and secured 22 people on life rafts, including a mother and her baby. When SEA-EYE 4 arrived around 7 p.m., it picked up all 60 survivors. At 2 a.m. on July 8th, the rescue vessel reached a fiberglass boat and rescued another 10 people. On Monday morning, the crew, together with the crew of the NADIR, brought a total of 58 people to safety on board of the SEA-EYE 4 from an overcrowded wooden boat that had already taken on water. The operation was completed at 7 a.m. Shortly after noon, the vessel found another rubber boat in distress and rescued 57 people, including a heavily pregnant woman. 

“Five rescues in 24 hours: That shows the state of emergency in the Mediterranean at the moment – and how important it is that we are there to save lives. But by sending civilian rescue ships to distant ports – we have to calculate six days for the journey to and from Genoa alone – we are losing valuable time in the search and rescue zone, during which we cannot help people in need. This policy can have fatal consequences for people seeking protection,” says Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye e.V.

“We had a pregnant woman on board who needed urgent medical attention. Many of those rescued have spent days in the Mediterranean and are weakened and severely dehydrated. Some are suffering from fuel burns, chemical burns that occur when gasoline mixes with seawater and then comes into contact with human skin,” adds Ayesha Sattar, on-board doctor on the SEA-EYE 4 for German Doctors e.V.

Following the instructions of the Italian authorities, the SEA-EYE 4 has handed over the people rescued during the last operation to the Italian Coast Guard. The vessel is now on its way to the port of Genoa, about 600 nautical miles away, where it is expected to arrive on July 11th. There, the people from the first four operations will be allowed to leave the rescue ship.

© Christian Hüller / Agentur Focus; Publication and redistribution are only permitted in connection with this press release.

From this summer, the sea rescue organisation Sea-Eye e.V. will be sending an all-weather lifeboat to join the rescue effort in the Mediterranean Sea. Beginning on World Refugee Day (June 20th) the organisation is looking for 3,000 ship sponsors to finance the missions.

The former German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) all-weather lifeboat NIS RANDERS will be saving lives in the Mediterranean as SEA-EYE 5. In order to finance the annual budget, the organisation is looking for 3,000 permanent donors to sponsor the ship and ensure the operation of the lifeboat with a monthly donation of 16.67 euros. With Oscar-nominated actress Sandra Hüller, Sea-Eye has gained a prominent patron for the ship.

“It is a great honour for me to be the patron of the SEA-EYE 5. Everyone has the right to freedom, peace and security. Sea rescue teams perform indispensable work that often means the difference between life and death. I want to support this valuable mission and help ensure that people in distress receive the help they so desperately need”, emphasizes Sandra Hüller.

The SEA-EYE 5 is Sea-Eye’s response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, the world’s deadliest migration route. The flexible all-weather lifeboat was built in 1990 and belongs to the 23.3 metre class, a series of seven DGzRS lifeboats. Thanks to its powerful engines, the SEA-EYE 5 can quickly reach boats in distress at sea. Although the ship is smaller than the SEA-EYE 4, it can easily reach the harbours of Lampedusa or Malta to bring survivors to safety. The SEA-EYE 5 is therefore an important addition to the civilian rescue fleet, which has, since 2015, been filling the gap created by the EU ceasing state sea rescue operations.

“We are delighted to be able to send a strong signal in favour of rescue at sea, especially on World Refugee Day: In a few weeks we will be operating a fast and flexible all-weather lifeboat in the Mediterranean. The fact that we have been able to win Sandra Hüller as the patron of the ship strengthens us in our mission to continue saving lives on the world’s deadliest escape route,” says Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye e.V.

As the NIS RANDERS, the all weather-lifeboat was in service off the coast of Maasholm in Schleswig-Holstein until 2018 and was operated by the DGzRS for a further two years without a fixed base. Most recently, the ship was privately owned. Before its first deployment in the central Mediterranean, the SEA-EYE 5 will be overhauled and her technology modernised. For the rescue of people in distress at sea, a daughter boat is carried in a stern hull that can be automatically retracted and extended. The ship also has a towing hook, mobile rescue equipment, and extensive navigation and radio equipment. There is also a sickbay on board. Its equipment and operation is made possible by the long-standing Sea-Eye partner organisation German Doctors e.V..

SEA-EYE 5 will be the fourth ship of United4Rescue, a civil society alliance initiated by the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and supported by more than 900 partners. United4Rescue has launched a fundraising campaign to finance the purchase price of around €465,000. The conversion of the ship, the first missions, and part of the long-term financing are secured by two long-term loans from GLS Bank and a crowd campaign from its cooperation partner, GLS Crowd.

Judge declares 60-day detention in March 2024 unlawful

In a hearing on Wednesday morning, the court in Reggio Calabria ruled in favour of Sea-Eye e.V.’s lawsuit and declared the 60-day detention of the SEA-EYE 4 in March 2024 to be unlawful. The judge found the allegations that the crew of the ship had not followed the instructions of the so-called Libyan coastguard to be unproven.

“The Reggio Calabria judgement is a significant victory for us – and for all other sea rescue organisations! It clearly shows that the detention of civilian rescue ships is an abuse of state powers. We now urgently need the political support of the German government, because Italy is also disregarding the rights of our flag state with its unlawful detentions of German rescue ships. We urge the responsible ministries to take the judgement as an opportunity to campaign for an end to this practice in Italy”, says Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye e.V.

The reason given by the Italian authorities for the detention of the SEA-EYE 4 was that on March 7th, the ship did not follow the instructions of the so-called Libyan coastguard, who, according to eyewitnesses, were pointing weapons at the rescue boat. The crew also did not hand over the people seeking protection to them. The SEA-EYE 4 rescued a total of 84 people from distress at sea during the operation. It was only in February of this year that the Italian Supreme Court of Appeal classified the handover of people to the so-called Libyan coastguard as a criminal offence, as the civil war country of Libya is not a safe place due to serious human rights violations such as torture, slavery, rape and arbitrary executions. The 60-day detention of the SEA-EYE 4 was the longest administrative detention imposed on a sea rescue vessel to date under the so-called Piantedosi Decree. The law, which came into force in Italy at the beginning of 2023, requires ships to contact the Italian rescue coordination centre immediately after a rescue and to be assigned a port without responding to further distress calls.

Between June 2023 and June 2024 alone, the SEA-EYE 4 was detained in Italy for a total of 120 days. Sea-Eye has already filed several lawsuits against unlawful detentions. The judgements are often delayed by several years: a total of five further court cases are currently pending. The processes are associated with high costs and additional effort for the organisation. The next court hearing for one of the ongoing proceedings will take place on June 20th – the case concerns a detention of the ALAN KURDI, which took place over almost four years ago. The rescue ship was in operation for the organisation before the SEA-EYE 4 and rescued a total of 927 people from distress at sea between 2018 and 2021.


Sea-Eye and United4Rescue send all-weather lifeboat NIS RANDERS into action as SEA-EYE 5

The former German Maritime Search and Rescue Service’s (DGzRS) all-weather lifeboat NIS RANDERS will save lives in the Mediterranean as the fourth United4Rescue ship. United4Rescue and Sea-Eye are responding to political pressure on civil sea rescue, and its newly- created hurdles, with the fast ship which has been specially designed for sea rescue. United4Rescue is launching a fundraising campaign today to finance the purchase.

Following the joint purchase of the SEA-EYE 4 in 2021, Sea-Eye e.V. and United4Rescue are sending another ship to the Mediterranean: the NIS RANDERS, an all-weather lifeboat formerly belonging to the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS). The ship will be overhauled in the coming weeks, christened SEA-EYE 5, and is due to embark on its first mission this summer. The all-weather lifeboat is a response to the ever-increasing hurdles on purely political grounds that are massively hindering civil sea rescue – hurdles such as the allocation of distant ports or the reform of the Ship Safety Ordinance.

“While Italy is making our work more difficult due to distant ports and restrictions, Germany is continuing to work on a reform of the Ship Safety Ordinance to restrict the use of small vessels and leisure craft for sea rescue. We must also expect difficulties in the future. That is why, together with our partner organisations, we are setting an example by sending an all-weather lifeboat whose suitability cannot be questioned in either Italy or Germany. The NIS RANDERS was built for a single purpose: to save human lives”, emphasises Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye e.V.

In order to finance the purchase price of around 465,000 euros, the civil society alliance United4Rescue, initiated by the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD), and supported by over 900 partners, has launched a fundraising campaign today. The SEA-EYE 5 will be the fourth United4Rescue ship born from this alliance to save lives in the Mediterranean.

“These are stormy times – also for civilian sea rescue. Our ships are facing strong political headwinds and constant harassment from the authorities. The all-weather lifeboat is our response to this. Nobody can seriously question the suitability of a German rescue ship”, explains Sandra Bils, board member of United4Rescue. “The new ship is specially designed for open sea rescue, can reach maritime emergencies particularly quickly, and is also cost-efficient. In politically difficult times, we are making it clear what we stand for as a social alliance: for humanity, and the legal and humanitarian duty to rescue people at sea.”

The conversion of the ship, the first missions, and part of the long-term financing are secured by two long-term loans from GLS Bank and a crowd campaign from its cooperation partner, GLS Crowd. As a long-standing partner organisation of Sea-Eye and United4Rescue, German Doctors e.V. is making it possible to equip and operate the sickbay.

About the ship:

The NIS RANDERS/SEA-EYE 5 is a fast and flexible rescue vessel. She was built in 1990 by the Schweers shipyard in Berne-Bardenfleth and belongs to the 23.3 metre class, a series of seven DGzRS lifeboats. The NIS RANDERS was in service off the coast of Maasholm in Schleswig-Holstein until 2018 and was operated by the DGzRS for a further two years without a fixed base. Most recently, the ship was privately owned.

Before its first deployment in the central Mediterranean, the SEA-EYE 5 will be overhauled and her technology modernised. For the rescue of people in distress at sea, a daughter boat is carried in a stern hull that can be automatically retracted and extended. The ship also has a towing hook, mobile rescue equipment, and extensive navigation and radio equipment.

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After the rescue, the Italian authorities ordered the vessel to the port of Genoa, more than 600 nautical miles away

On the night of May 29th 2024, the Alarm-Phone-Initiative informed the authorities and the rescue ship SEA-EYE 4 of a maritime emergency in the Maltese search and rescue zone. At around 2am, the crew of SEA-EYE 4 reached the rubber boat in distress and evacuated the 51 people on board.

“Immediately after arriving on the ship, most of the rescued people were very exhausted, hypothermic and suffering from seasickness. Now their condition has improved significantly and all those rescued are at least physically stable and in relatively good condition”, says Dr. Daniela Klein, on-board doctor on the SEA-EYE 4 for German Doctors e.V.

Julie Schweickert, Head of Mission on board the SEA-EYE 4, emphasises: “We found an overcrowded rubber boat that was being tossed back and forth by the waves. The rescue went without any incidents and we are now on our way to Genoa in north-west Italy with the 51 survivors. We expect to arrive there on Sunday –  that’s almost four days that we spend sailing to a distant port. Although there are enough ports of safety in the south of Italy, able to receive people on the move and provide the right services to them, we have to leave the search and rescue zone and cannot respond to further emergencies.”

The Italian authorities repeatedly assign harbors with long journey times to civilian sea rescue vessels.  After the SEA-EYE 4 last rescued 52 people from distress at sea on May 20th, the ship had to head for Ravenna in the Emilia-Romagna region. The port was around 900 nautical miles away from the scene of the operation.

Drei Menschen stehen auf einem Boot und

The sea rescue ship brought the survivors ashore in Ravenna (Italy)

The SEA-EYE 4 left the port of Ravenna on Saturday May 25th to return to its area of operation in the central Mediterranean. Earlier that day, the crew had evacuated 52 people to safety on the Italian mainland. They had been rescued at sea on May 20th. The SEA-EYE 4 responded to a distress call from the rescue vessel MARE*GO, which had spotted an unseaworthy and overcrowded fibreglass boat. After the rescue, the Italian authorities ordered the SEA-EYE 4 to the port of Ravenna in the Emilia-Romagna region, 900 nautical miles away.

“We have the capacity on the SEA-EYE 4 to help many more people in need. But the Piantedosi Decree is forcing us to leave the area of operation and head for a distant port under threat of penalty. Despite the obstacles, we will not stop saving lives: That’s why the SEA-EYE 4 immediately returned to the area of operation”, says Gorden Isler, Chairman of Sea-Eye e.V.

The so-called Piantedosi Decree makes the work of civilian sea rescuers much more difficult. For example, it requires rescue vessels to sail directly to a port designated by the authorities after a rescue operation. In the past, the SEA-EYE 4 was also detained because the crew rescued other people in distress at sea despite being assigned a port. Violations are punishable by fines and detentions. The decree contradicts international maritime law, which generally requires ships to assist people in distress at sea.