
We save people’s lives

Sea-Eye e. V. is a non-profit- and civil sea rescue organization that was founded in Germany in 2015. In our rescue operations we search for people in distress at sea along the deadliest exodus route in the world and fight against the daily loss of life in the Mediterranean Sea.

Our activity is an answer to the failed migration policies of the European Union, which is denying its responsibility for the thousands of deaths in its immediate proximity.

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Oscar-nominated actress Sandra Hüller has christened the SEA-EYE 5


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Together against the loss of life at sea

Bistum Limburg
Bistum Hildesheim
Bistum Limburg
Bistum Regensburg
Caritasverband für die Diözese Hildesheim e. V._Logo
Deutsche Postcode Lotterie
Erzbistum Paderborn
Gemeinde Schöneiche bei Berlin
German Doctors
Kreis Nordfriesland
Bad Bentheim
Stadt Konstanz

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