On the way to the operational area
Since some days we are now on our way with the ALAN KURDI to the operational area and we are getting used to the daily life on board.
It‘s a good feeling to be underway, because we all know how urgently we are needed. Several ships are still detained in Italy and being prevented from rescuing lives. At the same time still many people try the dangerous trip in overcrowded rubber boats or wooden boats. In this year already more than 500 people drowned while trying to cross the Central Mediterranean. The estimated number of unreported cases has to be way higher.

In the last week the rescue ship OPEN ARMS has rescued a total of 267 people and is waiting for a safe harbour now. This means very likely we‘re going to be the only rescue ship in the operational area.
During the passage we are getting used to the life on board and prepare ourselves for our mission. In the last days we trained a lot. Amongst other we did an extensive training with our dinghys today.
In every training we discuss different scenarios and brace ourselves for the worst case to be well prepared. It becomes especially exhausting when many people need our help and need to be rescued. The experience from the past months shows that we have to be prepared to a long standoff until a safe harbour is assigned to us. Therefore, the last days we put a special focus on the care and supply of our guests. If like on our mission in April we have 150 people on board, then already cooking is a big task.

Apart from the training we divide the other tasks on board. The daily routines are cooking, cleaning, washing, watch and controlling the machine. On the bridge our captain Joachim and the two officers have two 4-hours-shifts and are always supported by one volunteer. In the engine room our machinists Simon, Albert and Dietmar also share the shifts.
As we arrive to the operational area, we implement another watch in order to not overlook any boat in distress. Apart from the watch we also check the radio all the time for not missing any distress call.
I‘m curious about what comes in the next days. I will keep you informed.
With solidarity greetings