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Das Rettungsschiff SEA-EYE 4 ist von Trapani in Richtung zentrales Mittelmeer aufgebrochen. Ermöglicht wurde die fünfte Rettungsmission in diesem Jahr maßgeblich durch die Stadt Bochum, die im Juli eine Schiffspatenschaft für das Seenotrettungsschiff SEA-EYE 4 übernommen hatte. Die Patenschaft enthält eine Förderung, die sich aus Haushaltsgeldern der Stadt (30.000 €) und Spenden der Zivilbevölkerung (37.714 €, Stand: 30.08.2022) zusammensetzt. Insgesamt ergab die Kampagne „Bochum Rettet“ damit eine Förderung in Höhe von 67.714 €, die für die Missionsvorbereitungen der SEA-EYE 4 verwendet wurden.

Die Unterstützung aus Bochum kam zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Wir erleben derzeit eine Gleichzeitigkeit verschiedener Krisen, was insgesamt auch zu einem Spendenrückgang bei Sea-Eye geführt hat. Bochum hat gezeigt, wie man mit lokalem Engagement einen Weg aus der Solidaritätskrise an den EU-Außengrenzen finden kann. Wir wünschen uns, dass sich noch viele Kommunen anschließen werden“, sagt Gorden Isler, Vorsitzender von Sea-Eye e. V.

In den Sommermonaten wagen besonders viele Menschen die Flucht aus dem Bürgerkriegsland Libyen. In Tripolis sind im Zuge eines Konflikts zwischen dem Ministerpräsidenten Abdul Hamid Dbeibah und Ex-Innenminister Fathi Baschagha am Wochenende wieder Kämpfe mit zahlreichen Toten ausgebrochen.

Dr. Angelika Leist, German Doctors-Einsatzärztin und Schiffsärztin begleitet die aktuelle Sea-Eye Mission: „Ich engagiere mich auf der Sea-Eye 4, weil es nicht sein darf, dass Menschen auf der Flucht vor einem nicht lebenswerten Leben in Lebensgefahr geraten und keine offizielle Instanz ihnen hilft. Natürlich kann die zivile Notrettung nur eine Übergangslösung sein. Eigentlich sollten die EU-Länder gemeinsam eine Seenotrettung organisieren und nicht noch die sogenannte libysche Küstenwache mit Push-Backs beauftragen.

Angelika von German Doctors

Grundsätzlich wäre es natürlich wünschenswert, die westlichen Länder sorgten gemeinsam mit den Herkunftsländern dafür, dass die Lebensbedingungen vor Ort so sind, dass die Menschen nicht mehr flüchten müssen. Solange dies aber nicht der Fall ist, bin ich froh, als German Doctors-Einsatzärztin helfen zu können. Mein letzter medizinischer Einsatz in den Flüchtlingscamps auf Thessaloniki hilft mir sicher dabei, die Gäste an Bord der Sea-Eye 4 und ihre Beweggründe besser zu verstehen“, so Leist.

German Doctors stellt regelmäßig ehrenamtliche Ärzt*innen für die Rettungsmissionen der SEA-EYE 4 und beteiligt sich finanziell am Betrieb des Bordhospitals, in dem ein dreiköpfiges Team bei Rettungseinsätzen nicht selten dutzende gerettete Menschen behandeln muss.

If you’re planning to write an essay, you’ll have to learn the best way to organize it. The hook will be the first couple of lines in an essay. It is the first line that grabs readers‘ interest. Each paragraph expands on this hook. It is usually followed by stories from the past. If you are writing an academic essay, refrain from using the first person pronouns. Below are some ideas on the best way to organize your essay. Read on for a better understanding of essay structure and paragraphs.

The process of brainstorming ideas

If you’ve never attempted thinking about ideas before, then you’re losing out on an excellent strategy for writing that will help you throughout the course of your life. Although brainstorming ideas to write an essay might seem overwhelming the technique is able to help organize your thoughts to ensure that they’re simple to recall and build upon. This can also be an effective method to relieve stress for students as it can help you organise your thoughts and eases your mind.

It is important to reserve the time and space to brainstorm thoughts. The process is similar to organizing your thoughts – when you know that you’ll write every day for two hours, it will be easier to come up with ideas when your thoughts are focused. Though brainstorming ideas for an essay usually happens by teams, you can take it up on your own if you follow the correct technique.

AhaSlides is another tool that is free to help you brainstorm ideas. It lets you record your ideas on whiteboards with others, then let them select the best. The same idea applies to fictional characters. Use the left side of the sheet to note down their positive traits, while the negative traits should be recorded in the correct column. Mind mapping software can be another method to generate ideas to write an essay. Mind-mapping programs like MindGenius allow you to visualize things in a visual way.

One method to come up with thoughts for narrative essays is to use journalist dice. Each die corresponds to the word „question. When you’ve rolled the dice, record the answer. After you have played the dice twelve times, your story is sure to be engaging for college essay writing. Use this technique in order to generate ideas for writing an essay to submit to college. There are many advantages by brainstorming. Begin now.

Body paragraphs

The body paragraphs of the essay must include an idea or suggestions to back up the main sentence. The transition between these two paragraphs must be seamless and smooth. The goal of the transition is to eliminate any jarring distractions from your main sentence or thesis. There is no need to use lengthy sentences. But, it’s essential for essay effectiveness. Vonnegut used a short sentence to convey his message. But, most others use lengthy sentences.

The topic sentence should convey the principal idea of the body paragraph. The topic sentence must be at the beginning of every paragraph. It should also determine the contents of any supporting sentences. The topic sentence must have enough scope to cover the supporting sentences. It should also rephrase the thesis statement. In addition, the conclusion should include a prediction about what’s to come. The idea is to make the essay more structured.

The body paragraphs in an essay need to be set up in a logical manner and adhere to a defined design. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence followed by a building block that idea by adding supporting paragraphs. The type of matter, it could include reasoning, convincing opinion, or an expert’s testimonial. It then concludes with repetition of the primary topic. In writing essays for formal purposes you must be sure to use interspersed paragraphs. Make sure to have a format with one central body per.

In an essay, the body paragraph can be divided into two segments. The first part is called the introduction, while the final section is called the concluding. The topic sentence will be within an introduction. This body section contains the main body paragraph. This section of your essay informs the reader about exactly what your topic sentence about. Make sure to use the evidence you have to back up your notion. If the topic sentence is debatable, use quotes or subordinate clauses to support your arguments.


The art of writing a convincing conclusion is not as difficult as it appears. This section of the essay provides a recap and formality. The reader should get an overview of your paper. There are a variety of methods to organize this paragraph. Below are a few ideas:

In the end it is possible to present fresh details. The right opportunity to provide new information. The final paragraph of your essay should be designed to recap the core concept. It is important to make the reader believe that they’ve fully comprehended your idea. It isn’t the right time to give a reasoned opinion or to discredit doubts. It is acceptable to add new ideas and arguments towards the conclusion of your essay.

The conclusion must be powerful and must summarize the major points of the essay. It should also summarize the major points of the essay. It should also make it clear to readers why they must keep reading. In order to write an effective conclusion, try writing it out and solicit advice from reliable writers, teachers, or editors who are professionals. Once you’re prepared, draft a strong conclusion. Get help from someone with the conclusion of the essay in case it’s not clear. The experts will be able to give you a unbiased and constructive advice.

The end of an essay can be one of the most important parts of the essay. The conclusion will always be the last thing the reader will be able to see as you have seen in the body. It should not be overly long. If it’s too long it is, the reader will skip to the conclusion. In other words, the final paragraph of an essay shouldn’t be overly large or weighty. This can be a great chance to review the most important aspects of your essay to create a lasting impression.

The words of transition

Though transitional words can be valuable in writing assignments, there is a danger of misuse. They could serve the exact objective, but become meaningless when used improperly. Many writers employ the terms „because,“ „and,“ or „but“ at the start the sentences they write. While these words are fine to be used in certain circumstances, they are not appropriate to be used in writing for academic purposes. The use of the correct transition words can help you connect your thoughts and help your essay move along smoothly.

The transitional words connect two notions, and allow readers comprehend the significance of sentences before them. This makes the essay easier to read. It is important for transitional words to create a flow in the essay. It’s not difficult to make a essay look unfinished without these words. Here are some instances of transitional phrases. Take a look at the words in each!

Transitional words serve similarly, serving as the foundation for an entirely new concept. Although many authors choose to use transitional words in all of their sentences however, not every paragraph has to contain one. Good transitional phrases are the most important piece of your essay’s puzzle. It can be a key element in your essay when executed correctly. It is possible to use an interlude to link together the information that you just wrote and help your essay stay logically linked.

A conjunction is another type of transitional word. When properly used this word can help documents flow effortlessly by connecting two distinct things. These words are especially helpful to contrast or compare items. They are particularly useful when writing comparison essays such as papers on compare and contrast or narratives. The use of transitional words is to aid readers in understanding your writing. It is essential to keep a transitional word list handy throughout your writing.


It’s important to take into consideration the audience you intend to write for in writing essays. Your readers could be your classmate, your teacher, parents, or a complete stranger. Your writing is viewed differently by each group. The perspective of every member of the audience and the overall audience. Below are some strategies to keep in mind while writing for different types of audience. The reason for determining an audience is to figure out what type of content will appeal to that group of people.

Know your audience. The target audience you want at is those reading your essay. Your intended audience could differ in size or may be narrowly specific. Journalists aren’t only writing to college students, but also for general audiences. If this is the case, you’ll need to use pictures and examples to make it easier for readers to comprehend what they are reading about. You should also be familiar with your intended audience in order to avoid wasting their precious time reading information that they do not need.

Determine the audience you’re writing your essay for. Most assignments will include an audience. For instance, if you’re writing a business memo, your audience is likely co-workers. If you’re writing a piece to be read by professionals the audience you’re writing for is likely more academics. For each type of audience it is important to think about the demographics of your audience and craft your writing in a manner that is appealing to those.

Know your audience. This can assist you in know what type of content is appealing to their interests. This can help you tailor your style and content to fit their tastes and also make your content more successful. It is also possible to tailor your content for various audiences like older adults or college students. Be aware of the age group of your intended audience If you’re writing to young readers. If you’re not familiar with your target audience, you’ll be creating content for the wrong target audience.